Pop down under__@(*0*)@__

Monday, January 30, 2006

Sydney October Night

this is an audio post - click to play
posted by pop at 11:08 am 2 comments

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Pop on 53rd birthday Posted by Picasa
posted by pop at 11:34 pm 2 comments

We have a small pond in our front yard. The various stages these lotus flowers go through are amazing. I'm going to try to add the sound the frogs make at night. We can barely carry on a conversation out front.
posted by pop at 4:49 am 0 comments

It's so nice to have one of our grandkids nearby. Here's Leona with Nanna & proud mum Serena. She's a doll! This is in front of our house facing the side yard.
posted by pop at 4:49 am 0 comments

Naming the Granny

Trying to come up with a name for this has delayed me for weeks. I wanted an avenue for my grandkids that are scattered around the world to be able to keep in touch. So some name for grandfather seemed to be in order. I've finally gotten use to 'pop' which is what Alan, Jo & Shane's son knows me as. We are nanna & pop. It's a very Aussie thing. I just don't feel like a grandpa, gramps etc. Some of the kids call me grand dad, & that's ok too.
For the title I thought of using the Japanese 'Ojisan' おじさん or the Russian 'dedushka' дедушка, which I'm somewhat familiar with. But it might be a little obscure for most people. If you really want to see a list of possible grandparent names, check this site out-- http://www.namenerds.com/uucn/granny.html
I don't think I'd go for 'poop', popi is kind of cute.
So sorry guys, Jo got in early with POP and I'm getting use to it. _m_(*O*)_m_
posted by pop at 4:49 am 6 comments


This song/poem kept going through my head the last couple of days. The credits in the Ultimate Family Songbook say:
Words: Grandma
Music: Traditional English folk song adapted by Jepthah Piper. It seems more significant these days.
You play it with the capo on the 5th fret which gives it a lute, minstrel sort of sound.


He was a man that some folks called great.
Said he'd made good, had grappled with fate.
Till he'd won fame and some riches too.
But in the crowd there were those that knew,
The soul of him so miserably small,
That real greatness he knew not at all.
For all through life he'd missed the real goal.
He'd fed his body but starved his soul.

He had no time for the little things,
That so much peace and contentment brings
A faithful friend, a child's tender look,
A promise sweet from the dear old book,
A little talk with the Friend Divine,
A little walk where the wild flowers twine;
Just half a man, not well rounded, whole,
Who fed his body but starved his soul.

And when the day of accounting came,
In God's own time, and death called his name.
Then the poor frail worthless empty shell
He'd groomed and fed and tended so well,
Was left behind just an earth bound clod
While his shriveled soul went to face his God.
All unprepared, and paid the full toll,
He'd fed his body but starved his soul.

So come my friend and we'll walk today
Where the biggest and best have full sway.
We'll follow the trail that higher goes,
To visions where the soul larger grows.
You'll never hear them say of you then
"Just one of the common herd of men
"You'd find anywhere from pole to pole,
"Who fed his body but starved his soul".

posted by pop at 3:49 am 0 comments

Uncle Chris & Uncle Nat

Your little brothers aren't so little anymore. Chris & Nat in a boring pose, sorry.
Uncle Chris & Uncle Nat to most of you.
Chris just moved in with a friend and Nat & I were delivering his bike & guitar to him. He has an old Maton, but it plays great!
posted by pop at 3:49 am 0 comments

Sunday, January 01, 2006

posted by pop at 1:15 am 0 comments